Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving. It really is a wonderful day to sit back and reflect on all of the good things one has in their life. How lucky am I? To be surrounded by wonderful people, to have a house, a car, a studio, opportunities and people who like my art.

We were fortunate enough to get back safe and sound from St. Petersburg, Florida yesterday and the Thanksgiving traffic wasn't too crazy. While we were there new line of work was delivered to the Florida Craftsmen Gallery just in time for Black Friday. So if you're in the area please pop by and see the new work.

Maggie the gallery director at Florida Craftsmen told me that Cirque du Soleil is in St. Pete and if you can't make it to their show but want to take a little of the circus home with you stop by Florida Craftsmen and check out the new work. Happy Thanksgiving!

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